How to Best Use Glycerine in Home Distilling
MANY HOME distillers like to make use of glycerine to finish off their final product.
Everyone has their own opinions on the subject – a list of pros and cons, which can be summarised as:
Pros – Smooths out final product, 100% organic, no known side effects and very commonly used in the food and beverage industry. Also decreases the time needed to age whiskey and rum.
Cons – If you add too much glycerine you will notice it in the final drink. If added to strong spirits with high proof, it can turn soapy
How much Glycerine should I add to my Moonshine?
The amount of glycerine you want to add to your moonshine depends on what you’re making.
Facebooker Steve advises caution when using Glycerine:
“Keep in mind 1 teaspoon is about 5 ml. I’d always recommend adding less, then test, then add more until you’re happy, because if you add too much, you can’t take it out afterwards,” Steve advises.
Below are some examples of how much glycerine to add to different spirits and liqueurs.
- Global Flavors Superior Legend or Grainge Single Malt Whiskey – Add 5 ml per litre
- Global Flavors Queensland Rum – Add 5ml to 8 ml per litre
- Global Flavors Black or White Sambucca – Add 10 ml per litre
- Global Flavors Calypso Coconut (Kahlua taste-alike) – 15 ml per litre
Paul, one of our Facebook Home Distillers Club members, reckons Glycerine’s a must if you’re doing a liqueur like Espresso, Calypso Coconut or Melon Midori.
“It’s a must for making a clone as close to the original as possible,” Paul says.
Where Can I Buy Glycerine?
Glycerine is available right here in our Global Flavors online Shop.
If you’ve got any questions or have experimented with adding glycerine to your moonshine let us know about it in the comments section below, or in our Facebook Home Distillers Club
What is Glycerine Actually?
Wikipedia gives us the scientific nuts and bolts of Glycerine: Glycerine is a simple polyol compound.
It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is sweet-tasting and non-toxic.
The glycerol backbone is found in those lipids known as glycerides. Due to having antimicrobial and antiviral properties it is widely used in FDA approved wound and burn treatments.
It can also be used as an effective marker to measure liver disease. It is also widely used as a sweetener in the food industry and as a humectant in pharmaceutical formulations.
Owing to the presence of three hydroxyl groups, glycerol is miscible with water and is hygroscopic in nature.
Until next time… Happy Distilling!
Questions about Spirit Essences or Home Distilling?
Phone John direct NOW – 0414 955 743 or phone John 0414 955 743
Keith’s Global Flavors Spirit Essences Facebook Page
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