
!! FREE YEAST !! Global Express Fast & Clean Distillers Yeast With Your 1000ml Spirit Essence Order

Original price was: $122.73.Current price is: $98.18. (GST shown separate in checkout)


FREE GLOBAL EXPRESS YEAST With Your 1000ml Spirit Essence Order

  • Every 1000ml Spirit Essence or Liqueur order gives you ONE 150g Yeast for FREE.


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FREE GLOBAL EXPRESS YEAST With Your 1000ml Spirit Essence Order

When only the best in flavour and consistency will do, use Global Express Fast & Clean Distillers Yeast and Global Flavors Bulk Distillers Spirit Essences.

GLOBAL EXPRESS FAST & CLEAN Distillers Yeast is a real bargain. Not only do you get a fast, 5+ day result… it’s also cleanest!

And price-wise, it delivers brilliant value-for-money.

Here’s how:

Regular Global Flavors Customers Get their Yeast for FREE

  • Every 1000ml Spirit Essence or Liqueur order gives you ONE 150g Yeast for FREE.

ALSO AVAILABLE in our mighty Premium Spirit Essences range:


Developed to produce high levels of superior alcohol without the unwanted or hazardous byproducts, Global Express Fast & Clean is a clean yeast especially bred for sugar washes, and with a 3 day fermentation period.

With an alcohol yield of 13-14 % Global Express Fast & Clean produces higher quality ethanol, and in greater quantities per kilo of sugar.

It tolerates a large temperature range, 15°C to 35°C and is urea-free so there’s no ethyl carbonate (urethane – a known carcinogen).

  • Highest quality alcohol production
  • Ultra low volatile acidity (VA ) production as well as other byproducts
  • No yeast stress… read as in 20% A/V produces toxins and off flavours
  • No urea — no safe level of urea in food or beverage has been established in global markets
  • Wide temperature range 15°C to 35°C
  • Minimal temperature spike
  • Minimal odour during fermentation
  • Excellent clearing properties — save money on clearing agents
  • Minimum sediment
  • Ingredients: Yeast, vitamins, nutrients, salts

Directions for use

A 150 gram sachet of Global Express Fast & Clean makes ONE 25 litre wash.

Use a total of 6-7 kg of white sugar for the wash.

Regular Global Flavors Customers Get their Yeast for FREE

  • Every 1000ml Spirit Essence or Liqueur order gives you ONE 150g Yeast for FREE.

Additional information

Choose Flavour

Qld 1.1 Smokey Rum, Qld Red Rum, Irish Eyes Whisky, Calypso Coconut Liqueur, Butterscotch Schnapps, Canadian Club Whisky, Carlos Lopez Tequila, Coconut Rum, Connoisseurs Brandy, Espresso Coffee Liqueur, Food Grade Glycerine, Global Premium Vodka, Golden Tequila, Grainge Single Malt Whisky, Jack Bourbon, Jim Black Bourbon, Kentucky Bourbon, Liquid Oak, Liquid Smoke, Melon Midori Liqueur, Ouzo, Park Lane Gin, Queensland Rum, Queensland Spiced Rum, Queensland White Rum, Sambucca Black, Sambucca White, Southern Belle Confederate Bourbon, Superior Legend Whisky, Triple Sec


1000ml PLUS ONE free yeast