AFTER ALL your hard work creating brilliant neutral, you deserve top quality spirit essence flavours to create a fine, true-tasting result.
And you need extra resources to tweak your flavour to get it exactly how you like it.
Everybody selling stuff on the web can tell you their product is “the BEST”, but unless they also explain why they’re the best, they’re just using empty words.
Why Do We Think We’re the Best at Global Flavors?
Most Experienced Tastemeister – Keith Emms
Keith hasn’t just had more than 30 years experience in designing spirit essences, he’s also been selling them to home brew shop retailers Australia-wide for 30 years as well.
And in all that time, he hasn’t lost a customer.
In fact you’d probably be surprised at how many retailers around Australia are re-bottling Keith’s Global Flavors spirit essences, and selling them under their own label!
Additionally, Global Flavors’ online business has expanded over 800% over the past 4 years since Keith decided to join the retail market himself.
Only the Best Quality Ingredients Are Used to Create Global Flavors Spirit Essences
- All Natural – Our essence ingredients are all sourced from natural products.
“Global Flavors only works with flavour companies that create natural flavours and healthy bioactive ingredients,” says Keith. - Gluten-Free – There is no gluten present in any Global Flavors ingredients
- Colours Are All Natural, Too – Our suppliers’ s strict control of factory environmental standards, processes and personnel means we know any colours we use are completely sourced naturally.
- Ethical Sourcing of Ingredients – all ingredients used by Global Flavors are sourced ethically, so as to cause no environmental harm to the planet.
More Than Just Flavoured Spirit Essences
Most home distilling enthusiasts want more than just adding some essence to their neutral.
To help you out with tweaking your final result we also stock Liquid Oak, Liquid Smoke, USA Toasted Oak Chips and Food Grade Glycerine.
These “fine touch” mixing ingredients allow you to create exactly the smooth liquor tastes you’re after.
We Talk to You – You’re Much More Than Just a Customer Number
When you’re a Global Flavors customer you’re much more than just a number.
We provide two phone numbers – John at 0414 955 743 and Keith on 0418 583 668, for you to call whenever you have a question… whether it’s an order enquiry or you’re simply looking for advice.
We always believe it’s much better to talk with you direct, instead of consigning your messages to the great email basket in the sky!