A Short History of Spiced Rum
HERE IN Australia, when good old Captain Bligh was Governor of England’s southern penal colony, the British Pound may have been the ‘official’ currency, but rum was a much more available and happy resource.
In fact, the Rum Rebellion of 1808 was the only time in Australia’s history a government has been forcibly removed!
It was triggered by the removal of rum as a form of currency!
Where Did Spiced Rum Originate?
Despite the recent popularity of commercially bottled spiced rums like Captain Morgan, the tradition of adding fruit and spice to rum is almost as old as Caribbean rum itself.
To cool the heat of fresh rum and to add effects, islanders have been adding spices, and things like common fruit and fish, insects and even raw meat, to fresh rum for centuries.
Global Flavors Gets On Board with Queensland Spiced Rum
Global Flavors tastemeister Keith Emms has been working on a new spiced rum spirit essence for quite a while now.
“I didn’t want to rush into creating our new Queensland Spiced Rum because there is so much average product available out there,” says Keith.
Keith rejected quite a few initial attempts – he wanted to produce exactly the right blend of spices for Global Flavors’ product release.
“I’ve hit on just the right blend of spices… I can’t tell you all of them, but cloves, cinnamon and orange peel are in the mix.”
“I wanted our entry into the market to be as popular as our top selling Queensland Rum.”
Rather than basing his new spiced rum on a Jamaican or a Cuban rum, Keith has chosen to use Global Flavors’ Queensland Rum as a base.
“Queensland Rum is already our top seller by far… why would I use anything else for our new Queensland Spiced Rum?” he said.
The official launch of Global Flavors Queensland Spiced is today, July 11, 2020 and you can grab your own right here.
Until next time… Happy Distilling!
Questions about Spirit Essences or Home Distilling?
Phone John direct NOW – 0414 955 743 or phone John 0414 955 743
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